A person and a child playing make pretend shop

Plates for the Planet

How could your lunch help the planet? Find out about the impact of different foods and tell our researchers what you think about possible changes that could reduce our food’s impact on the world.

When: -
Where: Open City Lab

Partially accessible

Day visit activity

Book a day ticket

Explore what our shops, schools, and cafes could look like in the future with different policy changes to reduce the impact of our food on the planet. 

  • The shop shows what our packaging might look like if they showed us how much CO2 is in each meal.
  • Fill your lunch tray at school, where the menu decides how many high impact foods you can add.
  • Balance your budget and tastes in a café where prices are decided by the food’s impact on the planet
  • Have your say as ‘prime minister’ to share what you would do to save the planet if you were in charge.
  • Write postcards to our researchers and let them know what you think.  

Plates for the Planet is part of our Open City Research programme, which aims to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to real scientific research going on around the world right now.

Drop in sessions will be running all day, with no booking required.

From Mar 15 workshops will run once a day in the lab, timings TBC.