A woman looks up smiling. She is next to a young child with a look of amazement on their face. They are playing with a blue exhibit in We The Curious

Become a member

Membership gives you year-round access to We The Curious for just twice the cost of a one-off visit. You'll also be supporting our work as a charity.

Our membership programme 

Membership gives you year-round access to We The Curious for just twice the cost of a one-off visit.

It's also designed with you in mind - you can build the package that you need, up to a maximum of 6 people. This can include adults and children (aged 3-15). Children aged 0-2 are included free of charge.

There’s a range of ways to pay too – either as a one-off annual payment, or by monthly/annual Direct Debit.

Membership benefits

Membership with us gives you:

  • Year-round access to We The Curious – as long as we’re not fully booked
  • 50% off Planetarium Shows
  • Monthly Members’ e-newsletter
  • The chance to contribute to We The Curious through workshops and surveys

View membership terms and conditions


Membership pricing

Membership typically costs the same as two one-off visits.

You can build your own membership package, up to a maximum of 6 people – and this can be split across a variety of adults and children (aged 3-15). Children aged 0-2 are included free of charge.





Single Adult£37.00£3.08


2 Adults£74.00£6.17
Adult + Child£62.30£5.19


Adult + 2 Children£87.60£7.30
Adult + 3 Children£112.90£9.41
2 Adults + 1 Child£99.30£8.28
2 Adults + 2 Children£124.60£10.38
2 Adults + 3 Children£149.90£12.49


Concession membership

Concession membership includes over 65s, those receiving Universal Credit, students and disabled people. Child concessions cover those with registered disabilities and any children who are in foster care. 





Single Adult£28.60£2.38


2 Adults£57.20£4.77
Adult + Child£44.00£3.67


Adult + 2 Children£59.40£4.95
Adult + 3 Children£74.80£6.23
2 Adults + 1 Child£72.60£6.05
2 Adults + 2 Children£88.00£7.33
2 Adults + 3 Children£103.40£8.62
An adult and child working together with large red building bricks

Become a member

Not only are you getting a great deal, you're also supporting us as a charity. The quickest, easiest way to sign up is online.

Payment methods

To make paying for membership as easy as possible, you can pay in a number of ways:

Pay in full – make a one-off payment which covers your membership for the year. We'll notify you when your membership is ready to be renewed.

Monthly Direct Debit – spread the cost of membership over 12 equal monthly payments. Your Membership will automatically renew at the end of the year.

Annual Direct Debit – a single Direct Debit payment made each year. Your membership will automatically renew at the end of the year.

Make your support go further with Gift Aid

Only with your support can we deliver our mission of connecting people through sharing creative experiences which celebrate the unknowns in science.  

Make your support go further by opting into Gift Aid when you sign up as a member or renew.

This doesn’t cost you anything, but it means that We The Curious can claim 25% of the cost of your annual membership fee directly from the government (provided you are eligible).

This extra income makes a huge difference to us – thank you.

Gift membership

If you're interested in buying membership as a gift for someone, please contact our team via membership@wethecurious.org

Community membership

If you’re part of a charity or group working in and for the community, then our community membership scheme may be for you.

It’s designed to support charities, not for profit organisations and services, whose purpose is to support individuals who face barriers to accessing We The Curious.

As a community member, you can arrange for your group to visit us for free, as many times as you like.  

We’ll work with you, our community groups, to support your visits in the best way possible; so that we can better understand your needs, ensuring that your group can make the most out of your community membership.

To find out more about eligibility for community membership, and how to apply download our community membership form

Contact our team

For help with all things membership, get in touch with our team.

Email: membership@wethecurious.org

Phone: 0117 915 1000 (9am-4.30pm, Mon-Sat)