A child with headphones blowing air into a flower

Curiosity makes us human. It’s the knowledge emotion, that tingle that inspires us to ask ‘what if…

Cultivate Curiosity

Our curiosity pledge

Humans are naturally curious, right from the day we are born. It’s what drives us to investigate and learn about the world. At We The Curious, we trust in people’s curiosity – we all have something to offer and new ideas to explore.

Problem-solving power

By harnessing the power of curiosity to solve problems, we can tackle complex challenges and create solutions to build a better world for the future. 

We are moved to imagine how things could be, because we are curious and inquisitive about the unknown. It's this that gives us the impulse to create and come up with solutions. By championing question-asking, we embrace the joy of the process and spark new avenues for exploration.

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
- Albert Einstein

Including everyone

At We The Curious, we love that curiosity is a leveller, something innate to us all. Science isn’t ‘finished’. It is living, breathing, and always changing. By approaching science through the lens of curiosity, we acknowledge diverse perspectives and open up a multi-disciplinary approach.


Big benefits

Curiosity has many wellbeing benefits. Following our curiosity to explore fundamental questions can offer a deeper perspective on life.  And while you’re at it, this deep exploration opens up new avenues to knowledge and builds skills in the process.    

Curious about our other pledges?

An adult and toddler playing with colourful straws together. The toddler is putting something in the adult's hand, they're outside in a stone paved space, with the adult sat on a wooden bench.

Include Everyone

Our commitment to promote equity and inclusion in all aspects of our work, from accessible spaces to recruitment.

An aerial shot showing the We The Curious building, with solar panels on the roof. The silver Planetarium and Cathedral are either side of the main building.

Sustainable Futures

Along with our city, we’re on a critical journey to decarbonise by 2030.

A group of children in high vis jackets look at the colour wheel at We The Curious, with their backs to the camera.

Build Resilience

Valuing new perspectives, adapting and innovating to become a more resilient charity.

A young child is looking up at a digital screen, which a We The Curious member staff is pointing to

Open City Research

Open City Research is about giving everyone the opportunity to be part of science research.

We’re all born curious and we all have something to contribute. 

We strive to be a safe space for people to share ideas and explore challenging topics – together – leading to a greater sense of connection. In this way, curiosity emotionally connects us to other people, inviting new ideas and life enhancing, empowering experiences. 

Find out ways to get involved

Come and share your curiosity with us.