Enjoy on the day
Find out about the activities we'll be running in our spaces.
All these activities are drop-in and included in your day ticket.
Impossible, Possible
An overview of our current programming activities.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity
Minibeast Mansions
Head to our Greenhouse to learn about insects and make a bug hotel.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity
Nature Rising
Step into the Box and celebrate nature stories from around Bristol.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity
Head to the studio to meet our main characters, Leo and Ursa, and go on a storytelling adventure with them.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity
Rainbow Restaurant
Find out how colour impacts taste in our new Kitchen activity.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity
Good Vibrations
Come and make some noise in our new Studio show.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity
Play Fridays
On the last Friday of each month, it's all about sensory play and exploratory learning for our youngest visitors.
Partially accessible
Day visit activity