
Get curious about a topic or simply search for what you need right now. 

If you can't find what you are looking for, feel free to get in touch.

A child peering into the TARDIS

Visit us

Everything you need to know about a visit to We The Curious, how it works and what's included.

Illustrations from mythologies drawn over constellations

Stargazing - where do I start?

For anyone new to stargazing, the night sky can be a beautiful but intimidating sight. There are so many stars up there — where do I start? Where do I look?

A small child putting a pirate hat on a person sitting in a deck chair

Join & Support

We The Curious is an educational charity. There’s lots of ways you can support us, from funding a project to joining as a member.

An adult and toddler playing with colourful straws together. The toddler is putting something in the adult's hand, they're outside in a stone paved space, with the adult sat on a wooden bench.

Include Everyone

Our commitment to promote equity and inclusion in all aspects of our work, from accessible spaces to recruitment.

A We The Curious staff member facing away from the camera, hulahooping. Their t-shirt reads 'Do test things out, Do ask questions'

Cultivate Curiosity

Through sparking and sustaining people’s curiosity, we can unlock the potential in people and our planet.

A group of children in high vis jackets look at the colour wheel at We The Curious, with their backs to the camera.

Build Resilience

Valuing new perspectives, adapting and innovating to become a more resilient charity.

Steel spherical structure of the Planetarium being built

Our history

You might know us as We The Curious, Explore At-Bristol or even our 90s pre-cursor, the Bristol Exploratory.

Work with us

As one of the UK's leading science centres, we work with other science centres and partners both locally and nationally, to develop best practice. We would love to hear from you!

A child playing with the sand exhibit in We The Curious

What's on

Find out what’s on at We the Curious. With hundreds of hands-on exhibits to explore, live events and a Planetarium, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Saturn and its rings in front of a dark night sky with stars.

Colossal Cosmos 3D

Fly through the rings of Saturn, discover constellations of stars, and enjoy a spectacular meteor shower!