3 children build walls with small coloured bricks

Build It!

Build a tornado-proof wall, test a roof with rain, and rip through a paper wall. Finish with some team building, literally!

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Build It! KS1 

Duration: 1 hour, max capacity: 35 students 

Budding young engineers and construction crews test special mini houses to explore the properties of different building materials – such as the ability of brick walls to withstand a tornado, and how best to waterproof your roof. They finish by applying their new skills to work as a team and together build a much larger house. 

Key Words:

Everyday materials, Design, Building, Construction, Homes, Environment, Fair testing

Learning objectives:

Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials based on their simple physical properties.

Develop an understanding that materials are suitable for different purposes based on their properties.

Begin to develop an understanding that science is used in the real world to solve real life problems.

Know what materials and what arrangements may be most useful to build a house.

Know which materials are waterproof.

Perform simple tests and realise that carrying tests is a great way to find answers in science.

Feel empowered to use the Build It! exhibition.

Curriculum Links:

Everyday materials: 

Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made

Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock

Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials

Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties 

Uses of everyday materials: 

Identify and compare the uses of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick/rock, and paper/cardboard


Sort materials into those suitable for building a house and those that are not

Watch demonstrations and take part in discussions about the properties of materials to decide which materials are best for building a strong and waterproof house

Assess different brick arrangements for strength against a ‘tornado test’

Split into teams based on job roles on a building site and work together to build a giant house

Potential Hazards and accessibility

Presenter uses matches


Supported by the Ernest Cook Trust.