Robot Revolution – two years on
Have you ever seen a game of robot football? If you visited We The Curious in 2022 the answer could be yes! But why?
Open City Research
It’s about challenging what it means to be a science centre, discovering new things and valuing the knowledge we create together.
Everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to, and benefit from, scientific research. We recognise that diverse experiences need to be at the heart of what we do.
As a charity, we work with our local communities to help create a future where everyone is included, curious and inspired to build a better world together.
It’s about evolving the way that we’re working to make science a process of discovery, for everyone.
We’re doing this by…
(A note on names: our Open City Research pledge used to be called 'Open Source Science', but in 2023 we conducted a spot of our own research with our partners, audiences and staff, and felt that 'Open City Research' better described this area of work.
The video above was filmed during the 'Open Source Science' years, but the same concept about about giving everyone the opportunity to be part of research remains.)
Have you ever seen a game of robot football? If you visited We The Curious in 2022 the answer could be yes! But why?
How a visit to a science centre can be an opportunity to influence real ongoing research, and to explore how computers might help us to better understand human emotion.
Forget the age-old image of science being the realm of the white-coated elite; we want to shatter stereotypes and make science everyone’s game.
We The Curious is helping to change attitudes to the thousands of seagulls in the city through a unique project co-created with east Bristol schoolchildren at Hannah More Primary School.
The Open Source Science approach at We the Curious is about listening to people who wouldn’t normally be part of science research or the product design process.
Ethical principles - created by We The Curious Open City Research team, illustrated by Illustrated Live
I think what We The Curious are wanting to do is to make research part of the experience of being at We The Curious, and that is a completely different way of doing science.Dr Nathalia Gjersoe, University of Bath
Open City Research is your opportunity to work together with a range of different people to generate new ideas in science.
We want you to leave thinking differently about your research after working together with new people.
We also want to support those who aren’t always recognised within science research. Research Collective is our programme for supporting people from Bristol’s communities to find answers to their questions – however big or small.
We run these activities online, out and about in our city and in spaces across We The Curious, including our Open City Lab where anyone can take part in active research in our working lab space.
If you’re curious about how public contributions could improve your research, whether you’re an established academic researcher or a member of Bristol’s underrepresented communities, get in touch to find out more about our current Open City Research opportunities.
To find out more, contact our Open City Research team on opencityresearch@wethecurious.org or call 0117 915 1000.
Head of Open City Research
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Open City Research Manager
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Open City Research Programme Developer
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Open City Research Community Developer
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