A child smiling and playing with a crocodile puppet

Rainforest Families

Find lost animals in a rainforest adventure. Investigate the skin and eggs of the animals. Explore teeth to determine diets.

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Rainforest Families EYFS/KS1 

Duration: 1 hour, max capacity: 35 students 

Students go on a dream time adventure to the rainforest. During a rainstorm five animals get lost. It is the task of the students to help reunite the animals with their families. Students investigate the skin and eggs of the animals to help establish what animals they have found. Students discover which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


Key Words:

Mammal, Fish, Amphibian, Reptile, Bird, Fur, Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore, Rainforest.


Learning objectives

Understand and learn how to identify the differences between mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.

Recognise the similarities and differences between animals that live in the rainforest, and the UK.

Animals have different diets and can be categorised as carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore.



Via storytelling go on an imaginary adventure into the rainforest. Investigate skins and eggs in feely boxes to help determine which five mystery animals are a mammal, reptile, bird, fish, and amphibian. Learn about the diets of rainforest animals and the difference between omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores. 


Curriculum Links:

EYFS: Communication and language. Listening and attention. Understanding and speaking

Physical Development. Moving and handling

Personal, social and emotional development. Self-confidence and self-awareness. Managing feelings and behaviour. Making relationships

Understanding the World. The world

Expressive arts and design. Being imaginative

KS1 Science: Working scientifically 

Identifying and classifying

Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions

Year 1: Animals, including humans

Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, retiles, birds and mammals

Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways observing closely, using simple equipment

Identify and name common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

Year 2: Living things and their habitats

Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food 


Potential Hazards and accessibility

There are no specific hazards to children in this workshop