a dark sky with multiple lightning flashes, above buildings with lights on

Light Fantastic

This highly visual and phenomenon-based show considers what light is, where it comes from and how it travels. 

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Light Fantastic KS1 

Duration 30 minutes 

With laser beams, an infrared camera, smoke and mirrors and invisibility, this highly visual and phenomenon-based show explores the true nature of this amazing form of energy to reveal what light is, what emits it, and how it travels.


Key words


Light, Energy, Colour, Invisibility, Reflection, Lasers, Flame Tornado, Fluorescence, Eye, Shadows


Refraction, Absorption, Transmission


Learning objectives


Understand that shadows are cast by opaque objects blocking light.


To learn about the ways in which light can be given out (emitted) from a variety of sources by processes including heating, electricity, chemical reactions, and fluorescence.

That there are different colours and types of light.

That other types of electromagnetic energy - waves (infrared and ultraviolet) can be seen by certain animals, and by using other detectors, such as infrared cameras.


Understanding light can help us to explain a range of observed, natural phenomena and to apply it in useful ways.

To appreciate that scientific vocabulary can be used to describe the observed behaviour of light, including transmission, absorption, reflection, and refraction.

That we perceive visible light when it enters our eyes and forms an image there that is transmitted to our brain.




See how shadows are formed.


Experience spectacular demonstrations that create light in a variety of memorable and exciting ways.

Have many opportunities to volunteer and participate in practical demonstrations.

Watch flame guns used to produce a range of coloured light.

See how a Plasma Ball can light up a fluorescent tube. 

See how reflection can change the direction of a laser beam.

Observe demonstrations of chemiluminescence reaction.

Participate in demonstrations using infrared imaging, ultraviolet light, light-sabre battles, and invisibility.


See how understanding the refractive index can be used to make things invisible.

See how a laser can be used to magnify.


Curriculum links


Working scientifically

Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways.

Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.


Year 3: Light Recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. Notice that light is reflected from surfaces.

Year 6: Light Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines. Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes.

KS3 Physics: Motion and forces Light waves travelling through a vacuum; speed of light. The transmission of light through materials; absorption, diffuse scattering and specular reflection at a surface. Use ray model to explain imaging in mirrors, the refraction of light.


Potential hazards and accessibility

Class 3 LASER used in show but is mounted to the ceiling and will not be able to shine into students’ eyes.

Chemical hazards include luminol, hydrogen peroxide, and ethanol, but are only used by the presenter as a demonstration. A flame tornado will be used by the presenter. A Plasma Ball will be used to generate a spark. Individuals with a pacemaker may prefer to move to the back of the studio for this demonstration.