children hooking orange and green ducks, with more people in the background

Climate Changers - The Island

Through carnival games, find out about climate change and its impact on an island.

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Climate Changers: The Island KS2                      

Duration 1 hour, max capacity 35 students 

Students will find out about climate change through playing a selection of carnival-style games and making decisions about a fictional island. Each choice will have an impact on the island’s climate, so students must choose carefully (and hope for some good luck!). At the end of the session, we see one potential consequence of the choices that students have made as the island experiences a dramatic flood. 


Key words

Climate change, sustainability, choices, greenhouse effect, sea level rising. 


Learning objectives

Begin to understand the causes and consequences of climate change, including the greenhouse effect (caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere).

Understand that human activities can lead to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Observe that humans are the main cause of increased carbon dioxide.

Consider some of the different choices that humans can make to reduce carbon dioxide release.

Learn about potential impacts of climate change.



Hook a duck to choose buildings and attractions.

Aim at a giant target to choose island transport.

Balance the island’s energy requirements using different energy sources.

Play a game of shuffleboard to select diet.

Consider the energy requirements of different appliances.

Record team scores using numbers and tallies.

Observe as our specially built model island experiences the effects of climate change. At the end of the session, we will flood their island to represent rising sea levels due to climate change.


Curriculum links

Year 4: Living things and their habitats

Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.

Year 4: Electricity

Identify common appliances that run on electricity.