Robot Revolution – two years on
Have you ever seen a game of robot football? If you visited We The Curious in 2022 the answer could be yes! But why?
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Have you ever seen a game of robot football? If you visited We The Curious in 2022 the answer could be yes! But why?
How a visit to a science centre can be an opportunity to influence real ongoing research, and to explore how computers might help us to better understand human emotion.
Forget the age-old image of science being the realm of the white-coated elite; we want to shatter stereotypes and make science everyone’s game.
The Open Source Science approach at We the Curious is about listening to people who wouldn’t normally be part of science research or the product design process.
For further information, images, or to arrange a press trip to We The Curious, please contact Jen Forster – Communications Lead, on 07967 334 152 or email us below.