At-Bristol Open Evening for 16-24 Year Olds
Tue 14 March
We hear from 24-year old Melanie on her recent visit to At-Bristol
Tue 14 March
We hear from 24-year old Melanie on her recent visit to At-Bristol
Mon 19 December
The British love tea. But what happens when millions of people simultaneously decide to make a cuppa?
Wed 23 November
Help us train At-Bristol’s artificial intelligence by talking to our Big Silver Ball.
Wed 23 November
What causes earthquakes? Why do buildings collapse? Can engineers design buildings that resist the forces beneath our feet? Ross E...
Wed 19 October
Our new look cafe is open, find out about Alan Snow artist behind our floor-to-ceiling illustration
Thu 18 August
How does 3D-printing work? KT and Ross find out...