Stories from the Stars

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Why is Cassiopeia trapped in the sky? Why did the Moon and the Sun never get married? What does it take to become the Irish God of all Gods?

Wrap up warm, look to the sky and join our team for these free events all about star mythology.

Hear unique tales as we paint a beautiful picture of how humanity has interacted with the night sky for thousands of years. 



1 Dec - 23 Mar

How Much



Brandon Hill

Who for

Recommended age 12+. Suitable for adults.


09/02/23 - 7pm-8pm 

23/02/23 - 8pm-9pm

02/03/23 - 8pm-9pm

09/03/23 - 8pm-9pm

16/03/23 - 8pm-9pm

23/03/23 - 8pm-9pm



Buy tickets

Enjoy stories from cultures and civilisations around the world, including Ancient Greece, Wales, the Kumeyaay, Ancient Babylonia, Ireland, the Luiseño, and the Skidi Pawnee. 

We'll bring some deck chairs, fairy lights and other things to help us get us comfy for 50 min of tales from the night sky.  

We've designed this event to work even if the stars are obscured by clouds. But...if the weather's good, and the sky above Brandon Hill is clear, then we'll be able to use the sky as a real life Planetarium!

If the skies are clear, we should be able to spot constellations like Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Perseus, Andromeda and Cygnus. We'll also be looking for stars like the Pleiades and Aldebaran, and maybe even planets like Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.   

Places are very limited so booking is essential. Book your free ticket today via Eventbrite

Please note, we may have to cancel the event if there is a very high chance of heavy rain, high winds or freezing conditions.  We'll be in touch on the morning of the event to confirm if we're going ahead.