Vintage Winter Wonderland – statement
Tuesday 15 December | Jen Forster
14 December 2020
This statement is in response to some concerns that have been raised about the safety of running Vintage Winter Wonderland on Millennium Square.
As of yesterday (Monday 14 December 2020), We (We The Curious) and James Rogers Events attractions Ltd have taken the decision to close the Vintage Winter Wonderland site.
We The Curious are the landowners for this space, and have been working closely with the event operators, James Rogers Event Attractions Ltd, and Bristol City Council Environmental Health Officers over the past week, to ensure that the attraction remained with current Government guidelines for tier 3 activities.
Over the weekend, James Rogers Event attractions Ltd worked closely with Bristol City Council to manage event capacity and ensure the site was COVID-secure; with new measures which included barriered entry, limited capacity, enhanced signage and one-way systems. There was also staffing to ensure social distancing measures were kept to.
Despite these measures, there have been concerns around the number of people in the Harbourside area. As these crowds in the wider area cannot be controlled in the same way (for example, queuing to get into the site), and are likely to increase during the festive period, the decision has been made to cancel the event as of Monday 14 December.
James Rogers Event Attractions Ltd will start to pack down the site today, Tuesday 15 December.
Millennium Square is one of the city's landmark open spaces, home to art installations, a community garden and water features. It regularly hosts community-led events including free Big Screen film screenings and sporting events such as Wimbledon, which supports local businesses with footfall. The aim of space is to celebrate the diversity of the city and provide an inclusive space for all to enjoy.
Donna Speed, Chief Executive for We The Curious said:
“As a space where people come together, it’s vital that any activity on our spaces meets the Government safety guidelines for current restrictions, but also that it feels safe to people.
Due to the number of people in the wider Harbourside area, and the projected increase in visitors over the Christmas period, it will likely create pinch points and bottle-necks around the Millennium Square site. We need to play our part in public safety, especially given the current restrictions; and by learning from other attractions in other cities, it’s the right thing to do at this moment, to remove the Vintage Winter Wonderland attraction.”
For further information, please contact:
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