Free parking for NHS staff & key workers ends on 14 June
Thursday 11 June | Rachel Wood
June 2020
Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, We The Curious have been pleased to be able to offer free use of the Millennium Square Car Park to NHS staff and key workers.
However, this arrangement has always been temporary and under regular review. As a result we’ve made the difficult decision to end the offer at midnight on 14 June 2020.
We The Curious is an educational charity and income from the car park helps support our charitable mission to create a culture of curiosity.
As the lockdown continues to relax, we are now at a stage where we need to ensure that we are reopening some of our revenue streams as we begin to rebuild our financial stability.
We hope our offer has been able to help NHS staff and key workers out in some small way over the past few months, and want to thank all of you for your incredible efforts and dedication in these challenging times.